Pre-Annotation of entity and relation

As annotating a corpus from scratch may be a time-consuming and costly process, CLAMP-Cancer offers an advanced feature called "pre-annotation" function which facilitates this process. The "pre-annotation" function relies on the existing models in CLAMP-Cancer and is highly customizable.

  1. Using pre-annotation function
    1. Choose your desired pipeline to annotate your files in a corpus project. For more information on how to run a pipeline, go to "Run the pipeline" section.
    2. Select the .xmi files which contains the predicted named entities from the output folder.
    3. Copy them into the train/test folder of your desired corpus annotation project. To copy, right click on the selected files and choose copy.
      Illustrating steps 1-3
      Illustrating steps 1-3

      Double click on the files to view their contents in a new window. As you can see in the figure below, the identified named entities in the file are already highlighted. Now you can start your own annotation.

       A file with pre-annotated named entities
      A file with pre-annotated named entities